SIC Circle

SIC Circle

SIC Circle

SIC Global

SIC Global


International Dental Course
International Dental Course of Implantology with Dr. Georg Bayer
in Landsberg am Lech, Germany
Live surgery of Safe-On-Four & Hands-on practicing
Optimum use of available bone by
angled placement of implants
The SIC “Safe on Four” system is a further development of the “bar and bridge abutments” system.
In the “Safe on Four” system, the bar and bridge abutments and the “Safe on Four” angled standard abutments are directly screw retained with the respective implant. In this way, a fixed transgingival platform is created over which all further prosthetic and laboratory technical measures are completed. The system is indicated for fixed or removable bridge or full restorations with the stipulation that the distal implants can have a maximum implantation angle of 30°.
The maximum bone availability is utilised distally by displacement of the most distally placed angled implant.
During development of the system, particular value was placed on the greatest possible stability of individual components. The straight bar and bridge abutments consist of a two-part design which includes an abutment component with hex and a “Safe on Four” fixation post that, using the long screw shank, ensures maximum continuous loading capacity. The “Safe on Four” universal fixation screws also have a reinforced screw thread.

Course Topics
Observation and explanation of implant surgery of Safe-On-Four
Prothestic solution of SOF (Impression copy, making temporary & permanent denture, milling technique, 3D printing, etc.)
Clinical case sharing
Hands-on practicing on models
General Guidelines for SIC “Safe on Four“ Restorations:
The generally accepted rules and recommendations for dental implantology also apply here.
For complete restorations a minimum of four implants must be placed in the mandible and a minimum of six in the maxilla. The bone quality must be D3 or higher.
The implants must exhibit an intraosseous length of at least 9.5 mm and angled implants 11.5 mm.
The implant diameter should be as large as possible – minimum: 4.0 mm. The implant should be placed at 16° resp. 30°.
In case of immediate placement or immediate loading – to ensure adequate primary stability – the placement torque must be between 30 and 40 Ncm.
The secondary parts (crown bases) must be firmly splinted primarily and distal extensions should generally be avoided.
Comprehensive diagnosis and patient counselling as well as preoperative planning are essential. CT or CBCT planning is useful for determining the locations of the anatomical structures.
The opposing dentition and general patient-specific risk factors must be given special attention.
The operator must be sufficiently competent in surgery and prosthetics.

Course speaker

President of the German Society for Oral Implantology (DGOI)
Main focus: implantology (since 1992)
Specialist in implantology (since 2009)
Establishing the practice:
1981 in Landsberg am Lech as an individual practice
Since 1997 group practice with Dr. Frank Kistler
Since 2001 expansion of the group practice with Dr. Steffen Kistler
Dental focus: since 1992 implantology (main focus), oral surgery
Studied dentistry: 1973 - 1978 Freie Universität Berlin
Doctorate: 1979
Assistant activity: 1978 - 1981 in Bayreuth and Tutzing
Training / lecturer:
1996 ICOI Diplomate (International Congress of Oral Implantologists)
Since 1993 lecturer at home and abroad
Active member DGZI since 1995
2003 founding member of the German Society for Oral Implantology (DGOI)
President of DGOI since 2009
Since 2007 as one of only four implantologists in Germany, holder of the Ambassador Status of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI)
Focus on implantology since 1992
Specialist in implantology of the European Dental Association (EDA) since 2009

Landsberg am Lech is located west of Munich and is one of the sunniest cities in Germany.
Landsberg am Lech, Germany